About Us
I’ve always loved to create. My grandmother was an amazing artist & musician amongst other things. She always had crafty stuff for us to do and I could always find a big chunk of clay to play with in her shed at any moments notice. She was a master at many things in life. Her name is Fern Adele and she is my inspiration.
Since having children my eyes opened up to all the mainstream products I was using on and in my body. I chose to lead a more natural life and to teach that to my kids. I started participating in a local green market in 2012 here in Virginia and enjoy every minute of it.
I am currently an aromatherapy student at the East West School for herbal and aromatic studies. I enjoy reading from my extensive library of herbal books and I am a member at herbmentor.com . I continue to study and gain as much knowledge as I can about the use of herbs, botanicals & oils for natural beauty.
I opened up a etsy shop a few years ago when I was knitting and sold a handful of items. I closed it down when I had my kids but opened it back up to share my talents and share my items with those who live a similar lifestyle as myself. I love the ideas of handmade, sustainable, reusable, recyclable & green and I’d love to share it with others.