February Essential Rewards Promos

I loveeeee all of these oils, and I'm justtt gonna point this out y'all. if you spend 300PV, rather than 250PV, you get over $90 worth of oils for free. yup, spend $50 more to get double that in oils!
the best way to max out all these freebies is to make sure you’re ordering through essential rewards (YL’s monthly wellness subscription). not on ER yet? Watch this short video here: http://bit.ly/YL_ERvideo
YOU GUYS, you're gonna want to remember these promos when you see the release at 7am MST tomorrow morning.
here are the freebies:
◗ free shipping
on any order of 100PV. make sure you at least hit this tier to maximize your savings when checking out.
◗ 5ml ylang ylang
receive on any order of 190PV. this oil is amazing for low libido (so important) and women's hormones. I like to put this one in my hair right after a shower b/c it smells so good and is one I use along with cedarwood and lavender for hair growth.
◗ 5ml patchouli
receive on your essential rewards order of 190PV. use this oil in place of deodorant and just watch...or should I say smell? it actually works! #patchoulipits also, this oil mixed with rosehip seed oil would be a great glow serum as it's amazing for chapped skin.
◗ 15ml stress away
receive on any order of 250PV. sniff or diffuse this oil for all the calm vibes. and mamas, use this one on your wrists while you're in labor to stay grounded and relaxed. this one, at times, is addicting to me.
◗ 5ml one heart (valued at $45)
receive on any order of 300PV. I LOVE THIS BLEND. a blend of ylang ylang, lemon, lime, northern lights black spruce, ocotea, and valor -- holy moly yes please. basically sniff this when you want to feel good, grounded, and cozy. I am throwing this in my diffuser asap. it's perfect for our 14 day no 'tude challenge too!
◗ 5ml sacred frankincense (valued at $45.25)
receive on any order of 300PV. this oil is treasureddd in our home. we do not run out of this one or frankincense (have similar properties). we use this anytime we need an immune boost or have a skin issue. it's also extremely calming and known to help soothe feelings of sadness or anxiety.
◗◗◗◗ okay my friends, tell me.
which are you most excited about?