June Essential Rewards Promos

a new month means a new opportunity to score all the FREE stuff! insay it every month, but if you're not ordering on essential rewards, START NOW. it truly is the best way to qualify for free stuff based on how much you spend AND earn a 10-25% back to use on more free stuff.
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Summer is here & this month's freebies are perfect for your time in the sun! Brighten your day with the refreshing aroma of Eucalyptus Globulus or apply Citronella before heading out for a hike to fend off outdoor annoyances. Spending a day at the beach? Combine Aroma Siez with a little V-6 and massage it into sun-kissed skin. Wind down after hosting another successful barbecue with the soothing aroma of Peace & Calming in an exclusive 15 ml bottle.
⋒ 190PV // Citronella essential oil, 15 ml + Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil, 15 ml*** (Retail value: $47.37)
citronella • dive into summertime adventure! make a DIY outdoor spray blend of Citronella with oils like Rosemary, Tea Tree, Myrtle, Clove, or Lemongrass and spritz it at sporting events or while camping. • add a twist to skin care. combine Citronella with sunscreen for a light, bright aroma that will make you even more ready to embrace the warm sunshine! eucalyptus globulus • Invite the outdoors in. Diffuse this oil for a scent that will remind you of a summer day in the garden, even if you’re just doing the laundry. • Freshen up your space. For a sunshine scent in the kitchen or bathroom, place a few drops on a cotton ball and put it in the bottom of the trash can before replacing the liner.
⋒ 250 // Aroma Siez, 15 ml + all of the above (Retail value: $91.78)
• enjoy some post-adventure aromatherapy. combine a few drops of Aroma Siez with V-6 to boost a post-hike massage. Massage therapy + aromatherapy = relaxation time! • take a sensory journey on the go. Add few drops of Aroma Siez to a car diffuser for a summer-ready scent between visits to the farmers market and dropping off kids at swim lessons.
⋒ 300 // Peace & Calming, 15 ml + all of the above (Retail value: $185.53) • Up your skin game. Add a drop of Peace & Calming to your nightly lotion to pamper your skin after a day in the sun. • Treat your pores. Make a soothing skin spray with 2 ounces of water and 10 drops of Peace & Calming for an easy, sun-ready refresh when the weather gets a little too toasty.
what are you excited for?! share below & i’ll send free coffee to a couple people at random